Luke Frohling

Writer / Game Developer / Educator / Actor


Pipe Cleaner

Concept: Clear drain pipes while avoiding deadly animals Game Play: top down, 2D, WASD/arrow controls with firing element (space), one level, each pickup has 10 drain cleaner pickups and drains require 20 hits to clear (total of 80 direct hits), animals destroy drain cleaners on contact, player is killed (ie. game is over) when touching …

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On a TV set today

i can’t tell you the production but it’s cool! Great breakfast and lunch and fun people to talk to. Relatively small compared to the larger one that wrapped last week but still fun 🙂 Today I was playing a removalist complete with high viz jacket. 🙂


We’ll be back on set for the major movie production this Thursday. I’m excited! I’m looking forward to whatever is planned 🙂 I love working in large productions as it gives me a great chance to network, relax, feel like I’m working towards something large, and have fun while being paid! It’s like winning the …

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Audition and sound

Today will be sound recording for a project in Chambers Flat followed by an audition at 8pm at Griffith Uni.  EDIT: audio recording will be on different days if agreements will be made on both sides 🙂

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