Luke Frohling

Writer / Game Developer / Educator / Actor

First meeting tonight of the GCMM

It will be a blast and a very promising start to linking everyone on the Gold Coast who is committed to making movies 🙂 it’s a free event but not everyone can join- luckily it’s a very easy  entrance requirement simply a profile on StarNow (which is free and can be done in less than a minute). 


Featured Post


During the week I’m consumed at work –…


I’ve been a manager for Ready Team One…

Hand Tracking

Continuing from last post and I took the…

Hand Tracking

Tales from the battlefield continued. I’ll try this…


Frustrating. I’ve spent days trying to get Link…

Fixed The…

This took weeks. First problem was the cable…

Give Me…

Trying a new tutorial as the other ones…

VR (and…

VR / AR Direct: – Computer news…

Geoff’s Way…

You may need to check previous posts to…

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