OK, I have the basics down- now the polishing. There are a number of things I’m proud about.
- I’m bringing this puppy home. From conceptualisation (my idea and development with code that I’m learning and adapting (but not using directly) from a tutorial.
- I’m growing my skills in programming (again) and I feel these skills will be equally useful in VR as well as in pancake computing requirements.
- It gives me something solid for my portfolio (not the best looking thing but I can swap out the animals/player to models that have an animator component (or I can learnt how to or buy a model which does it for me).
- It proves I can work by myself and can produce
- I’m being creative and hence be myself
Today is Saturday but getting this model (hopefully finished) is my top priority. I’m sooo happy that I can reference scripts outside each other, I can destroy objects as required, and that I can research other scripts and can identify how to integrate others scripts into mine (if required). Naturally I’d like to be able to create my own from scratch but that’s second or last resort.
Things I would like to do/add (including stretch goals) (things done are italicised):
- Sound: animals tossing aside draino, player swinging/spawning the draino, draino hitting the pipes, animal biting the player, dry clicks on ammo empty, starting audio, music to play by
- UI – Title page, button to click on/off audio/sound effects and music, restart and menu button.
- Gameplay: keep track of ammo, reduce by one each time, recharge full 10 (no overloads) on pickup, (a) set up UI for pipes to flash on when they are hit (b) make the number of times the pipe is hit show on the pipe (c) put a total on a pipe, track times hit the pipe, stop giving feedback when pipe is full (d) when a pipe is full display a message (e) when all pipes are full game is over and you have won!
- Extra level(s) – unlikely, newer models that I can animate (unlikely), blood draining down screen on game over (unlikely).
- Package game for publication